Advertising Options
Banner Ad (homepage)
200x63 pixels
6 available
200x63 pixels
displayed on the home page with link.  You design or our
graphics team will handle the design with your instructions.
$125 per month
Banner Ad (homepage)
400x200 pixels
2 available
400x400 pixels
displayed on the home page with link.  You design or our
graphics team will handle the design with your instructions.
$195 per month
Why should you advertise with
    We are a membership based online source for Folk Art news, new discoveries, prices
realized, and an educational source for those interested in beginning a Folk Art
collection.  All of our members our Folk Art enthusiasts.  If you have anything to do
with collecting, selling, networking, etc. you will want to have an ad on
Dealer Directory Page
Our dealer directory paid is the most viewed page on our site.  All of our members are avid
collectors and they are all looking for the next best piece to upgrade their collection!
$30 per month
Build your own ad, or let our professional graphics team design it for
you under your direction.
document size: width 400  height 63 pixels

Build your own ad, or let our professional graphics team design it for
you under your direction.
document size: width 400  height 200 pixels
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